However much I love writing positive reviews for my blog it's always good to balance it out from time to time and share products that left you unimpressed or even a bit stabby - haha! So today I thought I would share with you four products that I just didn't get on with to varying degrees.
Of course if you love a product I've featured in this post I'm definitely not saying you are wrong in liking it - more I personally didn't get on with it. In fact if you have liked any of these products I'd love to hear what you liked about it in the comments - always interesting to read a different point of view.

Ciate Lash Lights Coloured Mascara
£14.00 each - Ciate here
Sadly Ciate's first attempt in to makeup isn't what I was expecting from them. Yes, they have some creative nail sets but surely they knew coloured mascara has never been a huge hit. Sold as a 'pop of colour' to the tips of the lashes the 6 coloured mascara as designed to add subtle colour and enhance your eye colour. I personally think it's a load of old rubbish and to add insult to injury the formula is rather wet and clumpy. A big thumbs down from me sadly.
Toni & Guy Volume Plumping Whip
£7.19 - Boots here
There's nothing worse than a hair styling product that gives you the opposite of what it intended to do. I loved the sound of this product but sadly found even when I used the smallest amount it weighed down my hair, made it feel full of product and required washing the next day. Way too processed and heavy for my liking. If you thick hair I could see this working however.
L'Oreal Nude Magique Eau De Teint Foundation
£9.99 - Boots here
Liking my light coverage flawless finish foundations I decided to try out the new L'Oreal Ea De Teint Foundation. I already loved the Lumi Magique range so thought the new Nude Magique would be up my street but as soon as I applied this I knew it wasn't for me. The coverage really is near to invisible and sadly I found the supposed non-greasy feel to actually feel quite oily on my skin, almost like it was part water and some kind of thin oil. I've now starting using the Revlon Naked Foundation which was exactly what I was looking for - light but with at least some coverage.
Purity Facial Moisturiser
£5.99 - Boots/Superdrug
This moisturiser is described as a light whipped-mousse moisturiser but as you may be able to see from how it's fallen to one side in the pot, this is quite a heavy cream. I generally love organic moisturisers but this was way too heavy for my skin and would be more suited to ageing or dry skin. However I have been re-using this now I've brought it out of my stash as a nightly hand cream!
What beauty products have you disliked recently?
Fee xo.