Today I want to talk about the latest skincare brand on the block - you may have heard of them.
The new skincare line is called The Ordinary, but they couldn't be further than that, offering high quality ingredients at some very affordable prices and possibly changing the way we think about high end skincare... well what we spend on it, anyway.
The new brand from Deciem - founders of Niod, Fountain and Hylamide, have so far released 11 products, mainly consisting of serums, priced between £5.00 and £12.70 (plus free p&p!) but have many more exciting products in the pipeline! The key element of this new line is that each product only contains a few active ingredients and though with quite a scientific approach in both the names and packaging, if you can suss out which serum will work best with your skin it will most likely do wonders!
After lots of looking at all the individual serums The Ordinary offer I decided to treat myself (if spending £5 can be classed as that) to Niacinamide 10% + Zine 1% which is a blemish formula aimed at reducing the appearance of blemishes and congestion as well as balancing out sebum in the skin. From having a quick look at other products on the market that also contain 10% or less of Niacinamide (by Paula's Choice and Alpha-H) you would be looking to pay around £30-50... so you can see you get quite the saving with The Ordinary!
The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zine 1%
High-Strength Vitamin and Mineral Blemish Formula
£5.00 (shop link)
Onto the serum itself now, which comes in a glass bottle with a pipette in quite a silky rubberised feeling box. Again this doesn't feel like a £5 product at all.
With The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zine 1% serum expect a light quite gel-like fragrance-free formula that leaves the skin tacky for around 10 minutes before it fully soaks in. I've been applying this both morning and evening for 3 weeks now and even though I saw good results in the first few days of use I wanted to hold off until now to give a more in depth and full review.
From constant use I have noticed my skin to look and feel less oily, especially on and around my T-zone area, pores are also less noticeable... but that is probably due to them not being filled with oil, and no small blemishes cropping up!
In the entire 3 weeks I've had only one blemish on my chin, however that appeared after spending the day in a shopping centre... so I'm going to blame the lack of fresh air! And with the use of the serum I noticed it disappeared after 2 days!
Unlike other blemish treatments I haven't found my skin to become dry or flaky in areas leading me to only use them occasionally, in fact it feels more balanced and like a normal skin type for the first time in years - this really has impressed me.

Yes, the name of the products are confusing, unless you're a skincare whizz, but don't let that put you off... a little Googling will tell you what ingredient does what. Plus The Ordinary have created a table of when each product should be used here, which does make things a little easier!
As you may be able to tell I'm very much impressed by my first purchase and I'm 100% looking forward to what The Ordinary have in store, especially as they have 8 new products coming soon. Including a very interesting sounding High-Adherence Silicone Primer which will be priced at only £3.90!
Due to the nature of the brand and their scientific approach I don't think high-end skincare brands have much to worry about. But for those that can suss out their skin needs and buy accordingly The Ordinary is a brand to get excited by!
What are your first impressions of The Ordinary?
Fee xo.