Nars 15X15 Project App Review

Image screenshots - Taken by myself (Nars intro page)

Nars celebrated its 15th aniversary by realeasing a book named 15X15 and also an app to run along side it, so I thought it would be a nice idea to review it for people that haven't downloaded it or that don't own an Iphone. Also I was thinking of doing this as a series reviewing cosmetic related apps that are free to download, like Barry M and the L'Oreal app.

So this is the main page, you can either browse though the range which to be honest is very limited and consists of about 20 products (when you select a product it takes you directly to the Nars site).

Or you can choose the other options of taking a photo or finding a photo of your face from your phone library...which is what I chose to do.

1st Attempt - The image of myself below is the one I decided on as my head looks pretty straight in it so I thought it may be easier!

Now please try not to laugh too much. The Nars blush in Love Joy is quite fetching don't you think?!

(Products used - Duo eyeshadow in Jolie Poupee, Blush in Love Joy & Bronzer in Malaysia)

Ok, I'm looking alittle clown like aren't I! So I thought rather than blame the Nars App just yet, I decided it was the image being in sepia that was being out the clown in me.

2nd Attempt - So I found a more up close image that was actually in colour. Much better... or so I thought.

I'm not even going to list the products here. Really, what is the point! However much I possibly pinched and turned the eyeshadow to fit my eyes, the only result was clown eyes.

Overall - I highly doubt anyone has tried this app and then decided to then purchase the product. The app is a big thumbs down for me, however the app did put a smile on my face, so it mustn't be all bad, right?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. lol at least it gave you a laugh i suppose! I like fortrying make up on virtually, it takes a bit of work to start off with but it tends to give pretty good results x

  3. Thanks for the link, I'd never heard of it before. :)


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  5. Interesting! If you want to offer the best mobile app to your valuable customers, then a great design is as important as an excellent idea. You should focus on making an attractive UI that can easily catch the undivided attention of mobile customers. Furthermore, it should be straightforward and interactive at the same time.

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  7. The NARS 15X15 Project app offers an immersive experience that transcends conventional beauty platforms. Its innovative features redefine the way users interact with makeup, providing a virtual playground for creativity. The app's sleek design and user-friendly interface make navigating a breeze. Users rave about its versatility, allowing them to experiment with NARS products virtually. Additionally, the app seamlessly integrates with real-world events, enhancing experiences like the magic show los angeles 2022. NARS 15X15 Project app proves to be a transformative tool for makeup enthusiasts, combining technology and beauty seamlessly.

  8. The NARS 15x15 Project app review is a great insight into how technology and creativity intersect in beauty. In cybersecurity, similar intersections occur when creative tactics are used for digital exploits. Figures like Baazov and Sagi Lahmi have shown that the digital world can be as intricate and layered as makeup artistry, with vulnerabilities hiding under the surface. Just as makeup enhances features, robust cybersecurity measures enhance our digital safety, protecting us from those who might exploit technological advancements for illicit gains. Staying informed and vigilant is essential in both realms!


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