3 Steps to Perfect Nails!

So I thought I would talk nails today! I seem to write alot about nail polishes and nail art but nothing about nail health and I know this is something that alot of people struggle with. 

I would personally say I don't spend that long in looking after my nails however in the last 5 months I can't say I have broken a nail or even had to cut off a chipped edge. Which is something I'm actually quite proud of if I am honest! 

Having said that I haven't got the best nails in the world... they do get ridges in them due to wearing nail polish daily and me and my cuticle are constantly battling with each other. They just insist on peeling.

Anyways here are three types of products I highly recommend - This is literally everything I use on my nails, I don't even use nail clippers or any nail hardening products

Hand Cream
Hand cream is something I just always use. I guess I have got into the habit of it now. I keep the Melvita Extra Rich hand cream next to my bed  and use it maybe twice a week. The other huge bottle by The Boutique sits by the sink in the bathroom as I have found if you are abit of an excessive hand washer, your hands can get seriously dry and it can also cause your nails to be generally rubbish. So a huge hand cream like this is perfect for by the kitchen sink or in the bathroom and it will make you use it alot more and it smells so good!
I promise just using a hand cream more will help your nails not to break as much and grow better and ofcourse it will make the cuticles look better.  The Boutique Luxury Hand Lotion is £3.99 for a huge 500ml bottle which you can get here and I think Superdrug may now sell it. The Melvita is a slightly cringe worthy price however at £14 for 150ml but it is amazing for very dry hands and perfect for winter, you can find it here.

As you can see my nails don't look amazing au naturale...this is due to my nail polish addiction. But I am quite happy that they are always the same length and they are strong. 

Cuticle Oil 
Next up is cuticle oil, which I have only started using in really the last 4 months. Again this is next to my bed so I can apply it just before I go to sleep, so it doesn't matter if it leaves me with greasy fingers as I'm not doing anything! I would highly recommend using a cuticle oil if your cuticles are non-existent or if they are always splitting and feel quite sore. I don't buy into this whole cuticle remover thing or trimming them, they are best left alone. But they do need to be hydrated to look neat. There are lots of cheap cuticle oils out there (around £3-4) but I do really like the Ciate one as it smells of Cranberries, I think it's around £9.00 from HQ Hair. 

Multi Buffing Tool

Last up is something I highly recommend if you don't already own one. This really has transformed my nails - I really do put them not breaking down to this and the best thing about it - it cost only 95p from here
It has two filing surfaces and a four step buffer. So as I mentioned before, I don't ever trim my nails with a nail cutter. When they get too long I file them down with this. 
I also buff my nails to remove any ridges twice a month but I've found anymore than that can make the nails abit thin and weaker. Also the last step - Shine is a god send it literally makes the nails so smooth and shiny and it also makes applying nail polish a dream. If you don't believe me on anything else just believe me when I say this really works. 

So this is my 3 step routine for nice, strong, healthy nails! 
Simple and actually quite easy.



  1. I've gotten into using cuticle oil (OPI Avoplex) religiously and I do think it's made a difference to my cuticles and nails. I've been using it with OPI Nail Envy too, which I also think is helping :-)


  2. Thank you for this post :)
    As I've seen you meantion the Ciate base coat and cuticle oil, I've found it on ebay for a amazing price and will make a purchase :D x

  3. i really need to start using cuticle oil, my cuticles are a hot mess!

    you're lucky yours are strong, mind always break when it gets to a certain length. which doesn't really bother me as i prefer shorter nails, but it's a bit concerning.

    i also second the importance of hand cream. i'm what you would call an excessive hand washer so i definitely need it. the challenge is to find one that doesn't leave my hands feeling greasy.


  4. I like to clip my cuticles but they rarely need doing, I have come across so many different opinions it seems everyone is divided! I love my buffer too it really does make a difference doesnt it x x

  5. You are in good company - Iris Chapple who is a nail guru from forever has always said file weekly, buff weekly and apply cuticle oil/almond oil daily. Great post and pics as always. Thankyou Jan x

  6. The Ciate products look so adorable! This post was actually really helpful, think I need to run out and get a multi buffing tool and some good cuticle oil! xxxx

  7. Great post, Very simple and easy to follow steps especially for me who cannot spend a lot of time on hand care.

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