Recently I have been seeing more and more blog posts/articles on cosmetic surgery and only last week I received an e-mail from a cosmetics company asking if they could write a guest post here on my blog. I just ignored it as I personally would never want to link makeup/beauty with cosmetic surgery as I just don't feel they should go hand in hand.
Which isn't to say I'm against cosmetic surgery, each to there own and all that. But I do feel posts like that send out a bad message. So what if you have cellulite on the backs of your legs or you're aging (which happens to everyone) it's no big deal and to be honest no one really notices anyways! So instead of rambling on about what I dislike I thought it would be nice to tell you of three well known women that I love for there beauty inside and out!
Kelly Rutherford
To be honest I haven't seen much of Kelly in the media other than her playing her character in Gossip Girl but there is just something about her that makes me smile. I am aware that sounds a bit odd but she has such a kind face and I just love that happy look in her eyes. Yes, again that sounds slightly odd but she just looks such a lovely, genuine person.
Lisa Eldridge
After watching so many of her beauty videos on YouTube I feel as if I know her - which I'm sure a lot of you also feel! She is just so personable and sincere which is what I love the most about her. She is just always so glowing and willing to offer her knowledge and advice to others which is refreshing to say the least.
She is basically so beautiful and lovely and I'm sure a role model for so many girls out there watching her YouTube videos.
Marina Diamandis
Not only do I love Marina for her amazing music which is so unique and fun but I love her for her overall appearance and personality! You can just tell she is so so confident in herself without having a huge ego. Her style is definitely wacky but just so fun and like a breath of fresh air. Again she just comes across as sincere and not at all fake which is what I really admire about her.
I just feel the world would be such a nicer place if we all weren't as judgemental or negative on other peoples looks especially when it comes thinking we should all conform to this unrealistic idea of beauty that has been drummed into us via the media. I also feel the same with age - we all start to 'age' at some point but somehow we have all become scared of it and the idea that we will be past our best. It just really shouldn't matter as much as it does!
Would love to know how you feel about beauty and also who you look up to.
Lily · 718 weeks ago
Emily · 718 weeks ago
I personally look up to Ellie Goulding because she hasn't relied on her looks to become famous. Shes famous because she's talented not because she prances around in hardly any clothes like so many singers around. xx
25fLONDON 69p · 718 weeks ago
Sriya 26p · 718 weeks ago
Toni · 718 weeks ago
izzy · 718 weeks ago
Anna · 718 weeks ago
skinscrubs 41p · 718 weeks ago
I love Susan Sarandon, she's a sultry busty redhead who can attract much younger men - she rocks!
productdoctor · 718 weeks ago
these pretty things 67p · 718 weeks ago
Parlour Hair · 718 weeks ago
Megan · 717 weeks ago
AVON · 715 weeks ago
Cena Liposukcji · 582 weeks ago
Fat Surgeon · 566 weeks ago
Kelly · 397 weeks ago
Cosmetic Surgery · 393 weeks ago
Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Chandigarh
Melissa Howard · 45 weeks ago