This isn't going to be a regular post but I thought I would be nice to share a few adverts/promo images that have really caught my eye at the moment as we come into Autumn.
Also there has been a few ads that I don't know what to make of so I thought it would be interesting to hear what you think of them as well!
Campaigns I love...
Becca Lost Weekend
Promotional images are all about promoting a new range of products and encouraging people to want to try out/purchase the products... and this does exactly that for me! Becca isn't even a brand I've tried before, granted I've read product reviews and seen their products but nothing has ever tickled my fancy (haha love that saying!) until now. This image just says Autumn to me... the lighting create that feeling of cold in the air but the models look warm and glowy which is what Autumn is all about... wrapping up a bit more and enjoying the colder weather. I just love the brows of both models, the glow of their skin and the beautiful deep eye makeup.
Topshop Smoke & Mirrors Collection
Now I don't love, love, love these images but they have me excited for the new collection and they are very current which is what Topshop and their makeup line is all about! I'm not really sure on the images as the model on the right does look a bit plastic, especially the finish of the skin and the lips. Though I do love the shades here and from seeing the packaging on the website I'm dying to pop into Topshop and have a bit of a splurge on this collection.
Reese Witherspoon for Lindex of Sweden
Now I have never heard of Lindex before and even though I like Reese Witherspoon she isn't what I'd call an idol of mine, but for some really I love these images. They are simple and I love the styling of them... kind of classic Reese Witherspoon style really, so they do suit her really well. But I just like how the clothing is what someone would realistically wear in Autumn/Winter. Also love the poses, the hair, the makeup, yes, basically everything really!
M&S Autograph
All I can say is wow, wow and wow! Marks & Spencer have truly upper their game this season. I was impressed that they had Twiggy modelling for them but both Rosie-Huntington-Whiteley and Ryan Reynolds are huge stars and they just look great together! Very hot and very now and the clothing in the shoot also looks pretty good! This has definitely encouraged me to take a look at the Autograph range.
Also I'm hoping I will be spotting a life-size cutout of Mr. Reynolds when food shopping in M&S next!
On the fence...
No7 Lash Adapt Mascara (no photoshop) advert
I should be totally loving this advert as like most makeup lovers I cannot stand all the mascara ads with fake individual eyelashes and 'post production enhancements'. I mean it's just all lies and doesn't show you an example of the mascara at all. But like the MUFE HD no re-touching advert last year I feel this ad had also gone too far the opposite way and by that I mean... the lighting looks realistic but in an exaggerated way, the quality is a bit grainy, nothing is perfect, the concept is too real/boring and as for the images of the actually mascara tube... well I could of taken a better photographs myself and not re-touched it either. My point is it's all too much. Just focusing on that the mascara was without fake eyelashes or Photoshop enhancement would of been great and then it would of still had a chance of it being sleek and creative, but as it stands nothing grabs my attention and it's all a bit too bland. Also it may just be me but I can't actually see the mascara because there isn't a close up image and all three models eyelashes look pretty similar to me.
Having said all that it is good that No7 have taken the jump, marketing ploy or not and I really do hope that all of their adverts from now one stay that way... as what would be the point of making this statement and then taken it back when their next new collection comes out.
Crystal Renn for Japanese Vogue
Last week Japanese Vogue released a behind-the-scenes video of Crystal Renn having her eyes taped back with clear tape to seemingly create a more stereotypical Asian eye shape for a Vogue shoot, I say stereotypical as all the articles online I have read seem to think this is the only eye shape Asian people possess, which in itself is rather narrow minded, but hey ho! Now because of this every news site seems to be in uproar about it but from the comments I've read, it seems opinions are split down the middle with some finding it highly offensive, some stating it's merely to create a different look and some saying it's highlighting the beauty of that Asian eye shape - the list goes on.
But I personally don't know how I feel about it, maybe it's because I don't find it offensive or that big of a deal or maybe I don't know how I feel about it because I don't know the actually reason behind it. Maybe if we heard from the Creative Director of Vogue Japan, Anna Dello Russo on what was the purpose/creative thought behind it, we could have a reason to be offended or not offended! I am tempted to say people are making a bigger deal out of it than it needs to be as I have seen models with taped back eyes before, but the magazine that it is in has to be considered... though I do feel the only people that do have a fair say whether positive or negative is the readers of the magazine in this case.
Not so great...

10 year old Thylane Blondeau models for Vogue Paris
A ten year old modelling for a ten year old appropriate line of clothing, totally fine. A ten year old in a adult magazine in a spread playing dress up, again fine. But a ten year old in a adult magazine, dressed in adult clothing and posing in quite a provocative adult way with not an air of innocence is not fine. Really how could it not be seen as inappropriate?
From the shoes that fit, to the position of the girls hand and exposed thigh, it is all wrong and sadly sexualizing the child. Of course we won't be seeing this more and more in magazines as the team behind this was clearly going for a certain look but there are times when fashion magazine/fashion houses cannot rely or hide behind 'it's art'.
This isn't art, it's a photo shot for a magazine that isn't beautiful (well it could of been if the model had been an adult) or aspirational, but just so wrong - from the parents of the child agreeing to the shoot, to the styling and the direction from the photographer. But of course if you have other opinions on the images I'd be happy to hear them.
This is all about personal opinion so feel free to tell me which images you like/don't like or even if you disagree!
PS. Also if you love Grace Kelly, Marleme Dietrich or Marylin Monroe then I highly recommend you watch the new Dior J'Adore commercial here... simply amazing is all I can say.
Fee x
Sasha Faye · 704 weeks ago
MissMathful · 704 weeks ago
Natalie@pixielashes · 704 weeks ago
Oh and HELLLOOOO Ryan Reynolds! If there is a life sized cardboard cutout in my M&S im so gonna be stealing it!!;) xxx
Lilit · 704 weeks ago
Great post though!
gigidob · 704 weeks ago
Abi Gray · 704 weeks ago
I agree completely about the young girl. She is a beautiful girl and it's such a shame her parents allowed her to do this. I am a mother myself to a 3 year old girl and it sickens me a bit. The same shoot with an adult would have worked just as well, I don't know why Vogue thought this would be a good idea. And who the hell makes shoes like that to fit a 10 year old???
TheCosmeticCrave · 704 weeks ago
Londonmakeupgirl · 704 weeks ago
FiFi · 704 weeks ago
georgina · 704 weeks ago
stylishsmallholder 20p · 704 weeks ago
Olivia · 704 weeks ago
kiran · 704 weeks ago
I love this feature btw! more please ;) xx
princesselfy · 704 weeks ago
Sami · 704 weeks ago
Sami x
callitbeautyblog 63p · 704 weeks ago
some people just don't get how this could be offensive. you know what? crystal renn looks AMAZING. and it's not the first time other ethnicities have been featured in asian magazines; but to go as far as taping her eyes back? and not even in a "drag queen" way but in an "asian" way (she looks like she could have some asian in her in the 2nd photo) is just a slap in the face. if you wanted an asian, HIRE AN ASIAN MODEL. there are tons of them out there now. tao okamoto, doo ri, liu wen, shu pei, sun fei fei and du juan to name a few.
sorry for the rant, but as an asian woman, it's pretty insulting.
Laura · 704 weeks ago
catte · 704 weeks ago
Emma · 704 weeks ago
Mademoiselle Lala · 704 weeks ago
@LaaLaaMonroe · 704 weeks ago
@Hanross · 704 weeks ago
Anna · 704 weeks ago
Eden Angel · 704 weeks ago
@invalid101 · 704 weeks ago