A Super Cheap Sigma Brush Cleaning Glove Dupe!


If you own makeup brushes I am sure by now you have seen the fairly new Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove (here). 

I do love Sigma products especially their brushes and was actually impressed by the product idea... I mean why has anyone thought of it before now! But lets be honest it is a glorified silicone oven glove for £26?! 

Which is why I decided to take to eBay and find myself a £2.95 version (various colours here - UK eBay seller). No, it doesn't have all the different cleaning 'textures' for different brushes but I really don't think that is needed at all. However it is just as thick, made of silicone and does have ridges to it. 


As you can see for £2.95 you receive a pretty large thick silicone oven glove with different sized raised hearts on it. So you could say it does have different 'zones/textures' to it - the smaller heart ridges for eye brushes at the bottom of the glove and the large heart ridges for face brushes at the tip of the glove. Though all the ridges just work as well if I'm honest.

Trying it out for the first time the other day, as I had a ton of brushes to clean, I noticed some of the benefits to using the mitt instead of just washing all my brushes by hand. Firstly it of course keeps your hands dry which is great as washing brushes regularly by hand with a makeup solution/shampoo/washing up liquid can be quite drying on the skin. Also I found I needed a lot less shampoo with the mitt as the ridges when rubbed together created a lot of lather. 


But the main benefit was without a doubt - time. It was just so much faster to clean each brush as you can really work the brush against the raised silicone and within a matter of seconds it the brush is clean and just needs rinsing under the tap - I even found you can clean eye brushes at the same time! Dare I even say it was actually fun to clean my makeup brushes this way, though I'm sure the novelty will wear off, but at least it will still be speedy cleaning with the oven mitt. 

Lastly I  found the mitt gave larger brushes a much better deep clean than I could do with my fingers, you can work up the lather inside the brush and really get the ridges cleaning it properly. That does soon a bit gimmicky but I did actually feel I was giving the larger brushes a much better clean in a shorter amount of time.

I am so impressed with how the cheap-y silicone oven glove works with cleaning makeup brushes. I think it is just one of those things that Sigma has over developed so they can stick a hefty price tag on it and it really doesn't need to be that complicated at all. 

Really worth getting if you are a MUA or have a large collection of makeup brushes! 

Fee xo.


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You find the best things on ebay Fee! x
Great find! I wanted to try the Sigma glove but the price tag was really unreasonable. This is such an excellent alternative.

Brilliant, I just bought one. I have eczema on my hands which makes cleaning my brushes really quite difficult. I'd seen the Sigma one but had no idea it was £26, surely no one in their right mind would pay that?!
thebeautymist's avatar

thebeautymist · 619 weeks ago

This mit is such a good idea:) x

<a href="http://www.thebeautymist.com" target="_blank">www.thebeautymist.com
This sounds like a great idea! I've only recently really started using brushes, actually one, and I read somewhere you should ensure water and soap especially, don't touch the base of the brush because that could dissolve the glue. Do you not have problems with this? xx
I haven't tried the Sigma, and would never have paid that for it, but while browsing at Tesco last week I spied a silicone oven glove and it totally reminded me of the glove, so I got it and trie it (and it's great!). I just photographed it for my blog today - great minds think alike! :) I'm a bit annoyed though, mine was £6.50, not £2.95. Still, better than £26. It works a treat doesn't it!
Great find, such a good idea to check ebay first before splashing out on something like that. I think ill get one myself :) xx
Literally just bought myself one of these after reading this post! Thank you for sharing, an't wait to get mine in the post!
Stacey x
amazing idea! going to search for some more of the in the shops around me or on US ebay! thanks!

Eve x
thanks for the tip! such a good idea! I'll be investing in this for sure
Another brilliant find Fee - bravo and thank you!
This is excellent! Going to be getting one of these for sure - I washed my 50+ brushes yesterday and whilst the detergent was great I went through a WHOLE BOTTLE of it and my washing hand looked like prunes!!!
Brilliant find! It seems like it makes it so much less of a chore.
Thank you for this eBay find, I am bookmarking it to buy soon!
Soooooo glad I'm not the only one who thought that Sigma glove was wayyyyy overpriced.

Thanks for trying out a normal-priced cleaning glove. Yay for it working and shortening the time to clean brushes!
I have just started watching this on ebay, it'll definitely be a payday purchase. Great find! xx
Great review and pretty impressed by how much money you could save! Nice one! www.looks2bloved.com
I just ordered one, thanks for sharing, this should make life easier!
im not sure that i find it necesary but interesting i always loved sigmahttp
I have to admit that I have one of these gloves and the Sigma brush cleansing glove and I still think their glove is much better to be honest. I do admit that Sigma's glove is expensive but I still find it to be much better than these gloves
Where can I buy the sigma cleaning glove in bristol ...anyone knows!
Amazing I was just looking into the Sigma one when I found your review. I'll be finding this bad boy on eBay :)
Cheryl Estephane's avatar

Cheryl Estephane · 562 weeks ago

This is a brilliant idea and your right £35 is ridiculous!! none the less i have just purchased my very own "brush spa" for £2.99 thank you xoxox

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