Using an Aluminium Free & Paraben Free Deodorant... and Why You Should Too!


When it comes to skincare and personal products I am a lot more ingredient conscious than with makeup as I feel products such as deodorant, toothpaste and face washes are used daily and absorbed into the skin and bloodstream. So I like to know what I should be avoiding and take those measures. 

For example I avoid both SLS/sulfates and Fluoride in my toothpaste which does mean I have to purchase it online but it is the price of normal toothpaste and feels exactly the same, so it is something I could easily switch to. 

Another product I switched to a few months ago now was a Aluminum and Paraben free Deodorant. Now I will try to be quick when I explain this... but Antiperspirants contains Aluminium Salts to totally block the sweat glands and prevent perspiration which is what we feel we all need. However Aluminium has been associated with a variety of healthy issues, mainly Breast Cancer and Alzheimer's Disease. Which I am sure we all want to prevent and if that means switching to an aluminium-free deodorant I will do it in the blink of an eye. Also a lot of deodorants and antiperspirants contains parabens which again has been linked to breast cancer due to it's Oestrogen mimicking properties. 

Also women are more susceptible to these ingredients entering the body as most choose to shave the underarm area. There is however no solid evidence that aluminium or parabens can cause breast cancer but concentrations of parabens and aluminium have been present in breast tumours, which is personally enough evidence for me. Antiperspirants can also irritate the skin and block sweat glands causing sometimes painful lumps in the armpit. 


So to avoid this switching to a Aluminium & Paraben-Free Deodorant is needed. Now thankfully all brands that are free from these chemicals will visibly state this on their packaging so there is no need to be overly ingredient savvy. However deodorants are very much a different product to antiperspirants as they still allow the body to naturally sweat and work to kill bacteria that causes the odor... so your armpits will smell nice! Now I'm well aware that the idea of sweating is seen as quite a 'hippy' like however if you feel like you don't excessively sweat then switching will be fine. 

When looking for the best deodorant I still wanted to use an aerosol spray and found the two most widely available and affordable brands (that can be found in supermarkets) to be the Sanex Zero% range and also Biosen. I decided to go for the Sanex Zero% Deodorant as this is always stocked in my local Tesco. 

Of course when I first switched to a deodorant over an antiperspirant it did take some getting use to it as when I did sweat my armpits felt a little damp which I just wasn't use to but as I realised there was only the scent of the deodorant I quickly got use to it. I think the real test will be in hot days in summer and on holiday however I feel the odd use of an antiperspirant will be something I allow myself to do as I won't feel like a build up of any chemicals will be happening over such a short period of time.

I really do feel the government, cosmetic brands and even health care professionals are covering up a lot of harmful chemicals. But thankfully a lot of balanced and well researched articles are available online so that we can be educated and make our own minds up. 

If you do have any questions at all on aluminium & paraben free deodorants or want a more detailed post on ingredients/chemicals I avoid please just let me know as I'm always happy to talk about this.

Fee xo.


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Thankyou for this post! I'm forever trying to make a conscious effort to make better choices with the products I buy, but it's difficult to know where to start and what to avoid (sometimes it's a matter of choosing between two evils) so it's much appreciated when someone spells it out and makes the choice clear. I'll be keeping an eye out for the products you've mentioned. :)
I'm using Biosen at the moment x
thank you for sharing this. i definitely agree that 1 skincare ingredients is something we should not overlook and 2 the government and beauty brands tend to cover up a lot!!! i had no idea about aluminum in deodorants, will definitely bear that in mind! very well written post fee, you speak my mind :)

rachel x
How would the government benefit from foisting 'harmful chemicals' upon the general population? That is an incredibly sweeping statement to make and a very irresponsible one. Do you have any sort of education in chemistry or on how the body metabolizes different chemicals? It's very easy to claim that 'natural' ingredients are better for you, yet natural molecules are just as much chemicals as synthetic ones, and many naturally occurring substances are highly poisonous and irritating to the skin and body. It is misleading to talk about 'chemicals' as dangerous, synthetic materials, absolutely everything is made up of chemicals. Fluoride has only ever been shown to prevent tooth decay and as it is already in the water supply I feel your specially ordered fluoride free toothpaste is a bit foolish. I feel the ones providing misinformation are the companies selling 'natural' beauty and health care products and not the government or professional bodies as you so casually claim. They are the only ones with anything to gain.
1 reply · active 571 weeks ago
Hi Fiona,

Firstly I totally agree the goverment wouldn't benefit and don't foist harmful chemicals to us however there are chemicals such as Aluminium that should be more widely known about, especially if it has links to dementia and cancers etc... and really there is a lot of proof out there about it! The goverment are constantly creating awareness about alcohol consumption, our diets, etc and I really feel it would be beneficial if some chemicals were included in this, just so we're all a little more eductated. So I can't see how that is an irresponsible thing to put out there.. plus that statement is just my personal view of it which won't change anything to be honent.

Also I really don't feel I was claiming 'natural' ingedients to be the answer but actually just suggesting people switch to a more natural way by letting the body sweat and treat the bacteria and odour... and not using chemicals to block the natural process and also risk them being built up in the body. Generally the body shouldn't hold on to chemicals however time and time again research has shown levels of aluminium and different parabens in cancerous breast tissue!

As for my choice in toothpaste I go for quite a natural one as I want it to be SLS-free as I use to suffer with mouth ulcers, so it also happens to be flouride-free as well, which I only see as a bonus. I can't understand your point in that flouride is in the water supply.... should this deter me from using flouride-free products? Or prove to me it is okay?

I do get an overall sense of dislike from your comment, which is totally fine! But I really don't think I was preaching, more suggesting that it is an easy enough switch to make if you do want to believe these chemicals are bad for you. I think in general our bodies are overloaded with so many different chemicals and if we can make simple changes to products we use daily with less ingredients that can only be beneficial in my opinion.
2 replies · active 568 weeks ago
I think it's absolutely fine to have an opinion on chemicals vs 'natural' products. But I think you need to be careful about making statements implying that the government is 'covering up' chemicals and saying that there is 'loads' of proof out there without actually providing any evidence to back it up. I think if someone is going to blog about a serious issue such as chemicals potentially causing tumours etc they need to be extremely careful about what they say, do a lot of research into the subject and provide evidence for the statements they make. Otherwise it just adds to the already growing confusion about chemicals in products and the effects they have on our bodies.

I think if you've found a deodorant that you like then that's great, but I don't think it's advisable to couch it in these terms without evidence.


1 reply · active 378 weeks ago
I discovered this deodorant at the pound shop a couple of months ago and now that is all I use. Yes you still sweat but you don't stink - simple enough! xoxo
I can't believe no one has pointed this and you haven't spotted it, but you should google Potassium Alum, it's still a form of Aluminium and it is in the ingredient list you have took a photo of.

You can also find it shaped as bar, with the only ingredient being Potassium Alum, as you can see your review deo is full of ingredients that make it possible to to be compressed in a can. Usual Potassium Alum is a salt, so it comes as a crystal deodorant. I am pretty sure this type of Aluminium has less negative effects, but it's still something to consider if you are taking such a drastic view on things.
Lush t'eo deodorant is aluminum and preservative free and it works a treat! Give it a go and let me know how you get on :D
do you have any suggestions on the facial foundations, lipsticks and eye pencils that are aluminium free?
This is just the kind of a post I was seeking around. Very nicely explained details regarding aluminum free Paraben deodorant. I've enjoyed the review and suggested insights are indeed amazing. Thanks.
aluminum is better
The sanex deodorant is not aluminium-free. It contains alum, which is an aluminium salt, i.e. it contains aluminium.
1 reply · active 589 weeks ago
Lavilin is aluminum free and lasts almost a week without reapplying! Tons of variety in options and all natural! Love it!
Modern healthcare services have improved a lot more than what they used to be just a few years back. Patients today are well educated and very much aware of every new development in the field of medicine.
L.Offen-Cooper's avatar

L.Offen-Cooper · 576 weeks ago

I've recently found the answer to a severe facial (mainly) allergy , but also on other parts of my body at times. I have found it to be a chemical called Methylisothiazolonone (almost unpronounceable!). Once I'd realised the culprit, (after two years of suffering with a lot of pain facially(like having boiling water poured on to your face) extreme facial swelling and being admitted to A and E on two occasions, apart from being treated by my doctor for dermatitis and thrush, on stopping using Baby Wipes and also both my shampoo and conditioner, it all cleared up within 24 hours hours. The most surprising and unexpected result was that also in 24 hours my asthma symptoms have entirely disappeared and have not returned. I then read all the info on my products and found that only one was free of (M1) and that to my horror found it in several of my household cleaners. I'd been breathing it in. In polish/air freshener and others .For me personally, this chemical is dangerous stuff. I can't be alone in this.
I am now trying to replace everything with parabens/aluminium free products.
People today very smart and well know which content's of products harm their skin or which gives extra glow. This is very nice to know that 0% aluminium is misleading, I wan't to use this and wait for my next comment after 15 days.

There is however no solid evidence that aluminium or parabens can cause breast cancer but concentrations of parabens and aluminium have been present in breast tumours, which is personally enough evidence for me. Antiperspirants can also irritate the skin and block sweat glands causing sometimes painful lumps in the armpit aluminum polish reviews
Today patients are well educated and very much know of every new development in the field of medicine.
There is however no solid evidence that aluminium or parabens can cause breast cancer but concentrations of parabens and aluminium have been present in breast tumours, which is personally enough evidence for me. dentist in mission tx
I know it's an old post, but I also want to point out that the Sanex one definitely still has Aluminium, just not Aluminium Chlorohydrate. So be careful with that.

I has some underarm and breast pain, plus my mom (who had breast cancer) told me that her doctors said that deodorants can cause cancer, so I switched to a real aluminium free one (those exist, too just not big name brands). The breast and underarm pain went away in a few days. I just hope more people will realize what price they really pay for not sweating.
I so agree with the person posting this article. I stopped using deodorants with aluminium too. Now just found out Sanex stopped making this product. Not happy at all
Loved the article have been using sanex for past year and before that biosen don't agree with anything that prevents the body from doing what it should blocking sweat is not right. I have been searching supermarkets and pharmacies for weeks and weeks so contacted sanex directly and yes they have stopped making it . In this day and age it is an absolute travesty the lack of choice in aluminium free deodorants on the market.
Nice and good working and good postings thanks for sharing me

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