So far this year my monthly favourites haven't been so monthly as I missed out January, March and April. But I'm going to try to keep on track over summer as I love bright shades and I will have different types of products to share with you I'm sure.
May wasn't really a month for makeup for me, lots of makeup free days and when I did wear it I kept my lips free from lipstick and opted for glosses and balms. I also discovered a new bottom lash mascara which I was pretty excited about!

Melvita Extra Gentle Orange Body Scrub
£16.00 (free p&p) - Feel Unique here
This is my go-to summer body scrub. I have tried so many body scrubs and always go for sugar-y vanilla scents as I find fruity scented body scrubs to smell too synthetic. However this orange scented body scrub smells so natural and fresh, perfect for morning showers. As for the consistancy it is almost a shower gel/scrub hybrid, the grains are enough to lightly exfoliate but they are held in a lovely gel that feels so nice on the skin. The scrub is also free from Sulfate/Sulphates/SLS's and parabens.
Vera Wang Princess EDT 30ml
£28.99 (£2.00 p&p) - Fragrance Direct here
Vera Wang's Princess really is fit for a princess and anyone that is looking for feminine spring/summer fragrance that isn't sickly sweet. Normally around this time of year I would be wearing either Sarah Jessic Parker 'Lovely' or Paul Smith 'Rose' which are ideal for spring and warmer weather but I just can't get enough of Princess at the moment.
Weleda Citrus Deodorant 100ml
£7.79 (free p&p) - Amazon here
Not so long ago I wrote a post on avoiding Aluminium and Parabens in deodorant along with a review of the deodorant I was using at the time, which was Sanex Zero % (post - here). Since then the weather has gone warmer and it just wasn't cutting it in the old errr sweat department. So I decided to ease off on being so chemical conscious and go for a Paraben-free anti perspirant with Garnier Mineral on hot days when I feel I need to not sweat at all and then an all round good egg deodorant that was free from both aluminium and parabens with Weleda Citrus Deodorant the rest of the time. I was pretty unsure how I'd feel about a spritz style deodorant but I have to say I have been converted as it's just so refreshing to the skin unlike aerosol sprays. The scent is also really nice and zingy for summer.

Believe it or not when summer comes around I love painting my nails even more than normal and right now I'm so glad to be a nail polish addict as I have so many different shades at my finger tips. Currently I'm obsessed with blues. Vivid blue nail polishes on hot sunny days and then soft pastels when it feels more like spring.
Sally Hansen The Sky's The Limit
£4.99 (£1.06 p&p) - Amazon here
In general I love Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicaure nail polish but this is actually my favourite blue for summer. It looks great against pale or tanned skin and is a great one for on the toes. It just remind me of a swimming pool on holiday for some reason, maybe it has something to do with the wet/glossy finish!
MUA Pistachio Ice Cream
£1.00 - Superdrug stores
Since purchasing this shade in April I have been in love with it! Due to the packaging it does remind me of a more cool toned Essie Mint Candy Apple. On the days I want neutral but summery nails this is the polish I turn to.

Me Me Me Fat Cat Mascara
£7.99 (free p&p) - Amazon here
This is my new bottom lash mascara. I love thick eyelashes but cannot stand anything clumpy looking on my bottom lashes and I really thought this mascara wouldn't be suitable due to the name 'Fat Cat' but for some reason this just works. It coats the lashes and fans when out but without a single clump or looking like they are coated in mascara. It is quite bizarre but I'm not complaining. My last bottom lash mascara was the amazing Prestige My Longest Lashes Mascara which you just can't get anymore. This is also great as a normal mascara as you can really wiggle it around the base of the lashes to create volume.
Bourjois Highlighting Powder
Sadly this is a discontinued product and is now quite hard to get hold of online (though there is always eBay!). But I had to include it as I have been using it so often recently. I remember when I bought this I was a little sad that is wasn't that pigmented but now that is actually why I love it. It is so easy to over do highlighter without knowing it, as it can appear quite harsh in some lights and you just won't see this. However the Bourjois Highlighting Powder just gives a subtle sheen to the tops of the cheeks without having any obvious sparkle to it. If you can find this product online then it will be money well spent as the Bourjois powders seem to last forever!
Bourjois Cream Blush in 03 Rose Tender
£7.99 (free p&p) - Amazon here or Boots/Superdrug
In the past year the high street has embraced cream blushers a lot more (I'm sure this is down to the success of Topshops Cream Blushers) and I am more than pleased about this. I already have quite a range of cream blushers but couldn't resist a few of the soft shades from the new Bourjois collection. The finish is a creme to powder which I always prefer as they last longer on the skin and don't over blend in to nothing. If I am totally honest I think £8 is pretty steep for a single blush but this shade is perfect for pale complexions.

Clarins Gloss Prodige in Water Lily
£13.60 (p&p £1.95) - Escentual here
When it comes to lip gloss I am fussy, I don't like anything overly sticky on my lips and I actually want my lips to look glossy and this lip gloss is spot on for those two things. I really feel a lip swatch would have been better than me describing what this lip gloss is like but sadly I forgot to take the photos when I last wore this.... just Google Image for swatches. The colour of this on the lips isn't that similar to what it looks like in the packaging as it is quite a sheer milky neutral pink with a high shine finish. But for me that is perfect as I can apply this over pink and nude lipsticks to add a real glossy finish or I can apply it straight to my lips for a glossy milky lip. The Gloss Prodiges don't come cheap but I feel this is the most versatile shades from the collection.
Tony Moly Bunny Gloss Bar in Neon Red
£3.73 (free p&p) - eBay here
For the whole of May this has lived in my handbag, as still does. I'm so grateful that Rachel from Blush and Brunch sent me two of these as they are just such easy to use lip products, especially when the weather is warmer. I'm definitely not one of those girls that tops up her makeup through out the day so I do sometimes look in the mirror in horror especially on warmer days when my makeup seems to have disappeared from my face but I have found this Gloss Bar to be enough to perk up my lips along with a bit of concealer under my eyes. This feels totally weightless on the lips and has a good amount of colour... not to mention being totally cute to bring out of your bag.
I'm so glad we are now into June as I always feel I try out more products both body care and beauty in summer for some reason!
If you have a blog and have a favourites post up I would love to see it!
Fee xo.