In the pass few years makeup wipes have had a bad rap on beauty blogs, I've even been guilty of saying I'm above them due to the collective agreement that wipes are pretty rubbish for your skin.
However recently I was enticed back into purchasing some Yes To Cucumbers Facial Wipes* due to liking the brand and them being on offer at the time. This got me back into using wipes to remove my makeup a few times a week and when I didn't see any ill effects it got me thinking... Are makeup wipes really that bad?
Yes, grant using makeup wipes to solely remove makeup isn't going to benefit the skin and there's a good chance you won't be fully removing all the grime. But for lazy evenings when you don't want to properly cleanse or as a super quick pre-cleanse to remove a good amount of makeup before using a more effective cleanser, I really cannot see the harm in it.
*They aren't that great at all... pretty dry and can be irritating on the eyes when removing eye makeup.

Ole Henriksen The Clean Truth Cleansing Wipes (£12.00 - Look Fantastic here), Amie New Bloom Gentle Cleanse Face Wipes (£3.49 - John Lewis here or Waitrose), Johnson's Baby Gentle Cleansing Wipes (£2.55 - Boots here), Simple Kind To Skin Cleansing Wipes (£3.25 - Boots or Superdrug here), Good Things Raspberry & Cranberry Face Wipes (£3.49 - Boots here).
Makeup wipes will never contain any beneficial ingredients but you can opt for more simple or natural/organic wipes and avoid ones that aim to treat oily/blemish-prone as they can be majorly stripping to the skin. Also it really is about seeing how your skin responds to them and giving them up if you feel your skin is becoming tight or red etc. I'm been using makeup wipes to remove my makeup a few times a week for the past 3 weeks now (plus everyday whilst on holiday) and I have yet to see any negative changes to my skin. Though I am still maintaining my normal skincare routine with toning and moisturising. Makeup wipes alone would be a no-no!
Current favourites are Ole Henriksen The Clean Truth Cleansing Wipes - so refreshing and beautifully Orange-y and Amie New Bloom Gentle Cleansing Face Wipes - surprisingly 'moist' and non-irritating.
Do you use makeup wipes? How do you feel about them? Let me know in the comments!
Fee xo.