Never thought I'd be reporting on a dupe for face wipes but here I am doing just that. I couldn't not after getting hooked on some pricey face wipes and then stumbling across a much cheaper alternative.
Earlier this year I discover the most amazing face wipes - Ole Henriksen The Clean Truth Cleansing Cloths (here), the only problem was the price - an eye watering £6.00 for 10 measly wipes. Why so amazing I hear you ask? Well never have I come across such a refreshing face wipe with a zingy orange scent... these literally wake up the skin and leave it feeling and looking fresh. I swore only to repurchase them to take away with me on holiday and went back to trying out different face wipes.
I then luckily came across the Yes To Grapefruit Brightening Face Towelettes (here) which also offered Vitamin C and a brightening effect. Also the much cheaper price of £3.91 for a pleasing 25 wipes without a doubt lured me in.

Now this isn't a perfect dupe however for the price difference and similarities they are worth giving a go. Much like the Ole Henriksen wipes the Yes To Grapefruit brightening wipes are a great pick-me-up for the skin due to the zingy fresh scent and feel. The OH wipes are definitely more orange scented but probably too overpowering for most people, where as the Yes To Grapefruit wipes just have a zingy edge that makes using them really enjoyable.
As for brightening effects no wipes are going to transform the skin but both wipes do somehow make the skin appear more awake and fresh, great for applying makeup onto or freshening up with when travelling/on holiday in a hot climate.
Both sets of wipes are great but I'm so thrilled I came across the Yes To Grapefruit Wipes.
You can't beat saving money and getting more product!
Fee xo.