How To Get Your Blogging Mojo Back


Last month I came down with a case of what I like to call 'Beauty Blogger Burnout'. It's a known ailment in the beauty blogging world that can easily come on with self-pressure and also having a life... well in my case a lack of one, as I was ill! But thankfully it isn't terminal, I'm back on track now and it's given me some perspective on how to avoid it in the future and knowledge of how to get back into the swing of things.

So if you are feeling a little deflated by blogging or just lacking motivation to blog then this post is for you!

1. Ditch your blogging hang-ups
For me this was my lack of writing skills and also not being a blogger that talked about new products instantly. These insecurites though not huge have always been with me and just seemed to dwell on my mind when it came to blogging. Since get back into blogging however I've made a conscious effort to not worry about how ever sentence is phrased which has made me feel more positive about the posts I write and as a result I now write blog posts a lot quicker. As for not blogging about current releases I try to remind myself none of my readers have ever mentioned this and maybe it's something unique to my blog that people like. Whatever your blogging hang-ups I fully suggest consciously thinking of them in either a positive way or casting them aside as they only lead to negative mindset.

2. Get Motivated
When getting back to blogging it's beyond important to feel motivated and not like it's your duty to get back to it. This may be reading your favourite blogs or looking at popular posts on Bloglovin' or even just buying a new notebook to write ideas in. I personally decided to start my 'Friday Favourites' series as soon as I got back to blogging as I really wanted to be able to blog about non-beauty products on a more constant basis. This now excites and motivates me each week! It really is the little things that can help you the most sometimes.

3. Think Creatively 
Being creative is how blog posts are created; starting off with that initial idea, titling the post, photographing your products and then getting down to writing it. So it's great to have a brainstorm or sit down with a notepad and write down possible blog post ideas. Even branching out to new photo backgrounds and ideas of new series or monthly feateres. This really will make you want to get to it and be excited again to blog.
4. Avoid Self-pressure 
This was something I mentioned at the beginning of this post as I feel self-pressure without a doubt contributes to blogger burn out. We are all guilty of it in different areas of our lives but with blogging I feel it's even easier to fall into with the comparison of other bloggers/blogs. If you blog as a hobby there's no need to have X amount of blog posts going up per week or amazing photos that are magazine standard. Equally you don't need to be updating Twitter even daily if you won't want to/haven't the time or any social media for that matter (I haven't been on my Facebook page for over 2 years now!) or have a blogging schedule... I know I don't have one. We have enough pressures in our life from external sources so make sure to cut yourself some slack and enjoy blogging!

5. Reconnect 
If you haven't been blogging for a while you can feel out of the loop so commenting on blog posts you read/tweets from bloggers you follow are easy ways to get back in to the blogging world a bit more. Also doing tags on your blog (Blogger Love tag here and The Autumn Tag here) is a good way to be more open and personal with your readers. Plus replying back to comments can be a great way to connect with your valued readers.

Blogging can be such a rewarding hobby and is definitely worth not giving up on!

If you're experiencing a lack of passion for blogging at the moment I hope this has been helpful. I'd also love to hear any tip you may have. 

Fee xo.


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Glad you're feeling better! I've been struggling a bit with getting back into my blogging after I was ill for two weeks but I just assured myself that I was writing my blog for myself and that put less pressure on me and helped a lot. I think I need to get a notebook to start writing ideas in though as that will help too! :)

Love Amylou x
Thx a lot for this :-)
This is such a lovely post, I definitely feel more positive about blogging now. As a new blogger I do feel I put pressure on myself to achieve everything as quick as possible as most blogs I read are really successful. This post has really helped me to feel I should do it for myself and that good things come to those who wait :)
This is a great post. Quite different from other posts on the same topic - in a good way. I think the first point is very important as a lot of people would have blogging hang ups. Since we are our own harshest critics, I really believe most of it is just us being too hard on ourselves or over thinking.

This post was really helpful. I've lost my blogging mojo since I've started working full time and just find it hard to balance the two. I think I'll take you advice and start a weekly series to keep me updating at least once a week. And a tip from me is to maybe change the look of your blog, I know it always makes me excited to post something. :)

xx Sierra
This was very helpful for me. I love blogging but sometimes I'm giving up, and I need this kind of posts to feel inspired. Thanks for sharing x
Such a great post, I've recently been feeling really uninspired with my blog so it is nice to read some tips on how to turn it around!
Maddy, xo // UNSTITCHEDD
Great post, although I only half agree with number four, but I think its because there is a distinction to be made. I think its completely fine to set goals for your blog and as a blogger, but I think, which I think is what you are getting at, you have to be careful because goals can put pressure on you and not meeting your goals can cause dissatisfaction with blogging. So I think setting goals is good but only if you realize the world won't end if you don't get a second post up this week (or whatever the goal is).

I can totally relate to the worries about writing quality. My blog is a very different type of writing then I use in my job or at school because the topics are so different. I agree that usually you shouldn't worry about your writing, especially if nobody has said anything. However if you want to improve or change because it makes you happy to do so then I recommending reading as much as possible of the style that you want to emulate and thinking about that style while you write. I was an English major and I'm in law school now and I always feel I write best when I feel comfortable with the style I want to write in and I get comfortable by reading, reading and reading some more.
Very interesting points. I hope you've recovered completely!! I don't blog about new products all the time but rather my own personal perspective on them. Not everyone is incredibly up to date!
Thankyou for this! I have been struggling with motivation and perfectionism about blogging, and have also been ill - I want to do it but it is hard to really commit to it when other areas of our lives are taking over. I hope you feel better soon.
I'm glad you are in the blogging mood again! Really enjoyed this post.
I think it's easy to feel the pressure to blog about new products—things get really hyped up, especially if you're following a lot of other beauty bloggers. Personally, I find a blogging schedule to be helpful for me: I think it's the simple satisfaction of checking things of a list, completing what I had planned, but also if I feel like switching posts up or taking a day off I don't feel too bad. My schedule is more like "guidelines" haha
And tags are just the most fun :)

Marianna | <a href="" target="_blank">
Great post Fee, really helpful.
Such a great post. Sometimes I also feel like giving up :)
I just had a moment that I stopped blogging, and for some reason, I got the motto back, just created a post and getting so many ideas for new ones,and I have to say that this post helped me a bit more. thanks
hope you're feeling better

This was such a lovely post. Really helped me actually thank you! I am new to blogging and I think I worry about what I post too much. There are just so many brilliant bloggers out there that I end up comparing myself to. But thanks to your advice I think I'm just going to stop worrying and get back to it! Thank you :)

Chloe The Redhead | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle
This was so timely for me!! Thank you so much. I think your first point is my favourite. It is so easy to get hung up on your blog and how it compares to others, especially more established blogs. Very inspiring!
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