Happy 2015!
I thought instead of rushing back in to beauty posts straight away I would be a little genetic and share my resolutions for the year ahead. Below are resolutions/goals that I intend to try my best at both when it comes to blogging and my personal life.
I also want 2015 to be a year of more feedback from you! So I'd love if you have any blog post suggestions and also let me know if you would like to see a 'What I Got for Christmas' post? I really can't decide if it's too late and/or if people care!
Eat More Healthier...
Of course this would be a New Year's resolution for me! But instead of going for the cliche 'Lose weight' resolution, I got the idea from my sister to be slightly kinder to myself and think of it as eating more healthy/being healthier, which in turn will hopefully result in a slimmer, happier me!
2014 was a year in which I realised I could eat healthy and really enjoy it (which was great!)... but it was also a year with up and downs that resulted in lack of motivation and being lazy, meaning I turned back to convenient and unhealthy food. So rather than class last year as a write-off in terms of being healthy/losing weight I'm viewing it as a huge learning curve that I can use for the year a head. I'm not going to set any goals for myself here other than to be mindful of what I'm putting into my body and to make sure the bulk of it's good stuff and hopefully that will be enough to keep me on track! To help with this I've already dug out a few cookbooks and plan to get into cooking different meals and maybe will even include a few on here! I've also joined Onna's Little Blog: Weigh Loss Support Group on Facebook here as extra support/inspiration for when I feel I need it. This is such a cliche NY resolution I know but hey ho, I really do intend 2015 to be a healthier year for me!
Be a more Organised/Productive Blogger!
Oh god, this is something I struggle with. If there was a Best Procrasinating Blogger Award I'd have it in the bag - year upon year! But no more! To give myself a bit of credit I did improve slightly towards the end of last year with scheduling blog posts a head of time and working more efficiency thanks to the weekly blog planner I created. So I will be continuing to improve on that as well as getting into a daily routine - setting many hours to spend blogging/taking photos/replying to emails. But I think it also will take more drastic measures of possibly using a clear Internet browser and even turning off my phone! This may possibly be my toughest resolution.
If you're also looking to be more organised when it comes to blogging why not print out my free weekly blog planner here! It's kept me on track over Christmas so much!
Read More
This is a simple one that I'm sure I'll be able to manage! Last year I read so many amazing books but it was mainly whilst on holidays or having time off from blogging; I never managed to fit reading into my daily life. So this year, starting from now, I intend to fit in a bit of reading most days - mainly before bed as I find it the best way to wind down and relax. I received a ton of books I wanted for Christmas so I will be starting with those and continuing with ones that have been on my to-read list.
What I plan to read in the next few months (in a kind of order that I want to read them) - Stolen, Yes Please, The Miniaturist, Not That Kind of Girl, The Rosie Effect, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Boy, Snow, Bird, Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock.
Get back in to Photography
This may seem a slightly strange one as I clearly use photography a whole lot due to blogging and I love that fact! But my passion for photographing things outside of blogging has dwindled in the past few years. I actually had a think about this and realised it was due to having such a large heavy camera for blogging that I didn't actually want to just throw in my bag! So I decided as a Christmas present to myself I would buy myself a new, much light camera that still pretty amazing, for taking photos of everything and anything! I went for the Sony A5000 (Amazon here) and so far I'm very, very pleased with it. Hopefully this will become a little hobby that I can get joy from and will ignite my passion of photography once again.
Keep on Improving
I've mentioned about have anxiety issues a few times here on Makeup Savvy and that's something I'm actually quite proud of. It's easy to paint a perfect picture of yourself online, especially as a blogger, and hide personal issues or flaws. But I decided to actively share that I do suffer from anxiety and that it can be quite crappy at times. Since last mentioning about my anxiety I've really improved but know I've still got to keep on improving and pushing myself where I feel comfortable enough to, not because I want to rid myself of anxiety but want to life more fully and not be held back by anything! I haven't thought of any specific goals surrounding this just yet but I know I want to be more spontaneous and try new things this year.
I also got gifted a beautiful looking book on Mindfulness (above), which is my first proper step into learning about the topic and hopefully something that will be helpful. I think I'll put up a mini review of it at a later date!
This is another loose resolution that I don't want to set strict goals for but just be aware that I want to improve on and to keep on trying - sometimes healthier than setting unrealistic goals just because it's a new year!
Hope you've enjoyed this little first post back!
Back to beauty posts from tomorrow!
Fee xo.