With January already at a close I thought I'd share with you my first non-beauty favourites of the year.
For me January was a month of reading and excessive film watching. Whilst also sticking to resolutions to be more organised and healthier. So below is quite a random mix of all of them things!

Wunderlist (here)
One of my resolutions for 2015 was to become more organised and this wonderful free list website/app has been helping no end. Before discovering Wunderlist I used the notes app on my phone and sticky notes on my desktop but it all got a bit messy and I never deleted anything (I currently have 50+ notes on my phone dating back to 2013, eeep). But then Wunderlist entered my life, I found it recommended on a food blog, and since then I've been more organised than ever before! As you can see from the screen shot I currently have 3 lists - Work (blog posts/work I need to do that week), Weekly Meal Planner (to help me remember what to meal prep each week) and Films to watch (pretty self explanatory). You can even create sub-lists of each list entry, set reminders and view things by day, week or list... very handy indeed. You can also tick off tasks once you've completed them and they disappear with a satisfying ting! Plus you can even sync the platform with your phone (great for shopping lists I'm thinking) but sadly I haven't done this as I've yet to update to IOS 7 due to so many pictures and apps on my phone arghh?!. If you love making lists or want to stay more organised with something specific then this is a great tool to use!
Films, films and more films!
Recently after discovering an app on Android called Show Box I've been pretty addicted to watching new films. This for me is a great way to stop everything, including checking my phone, and just relax. I feel like I've watched so many great films already in 2015 - Wild, Interstellar, The Grand Budapest Hotel, If I Stay and Big Eyes. If you are looking for a really inspiring film then Wild is a must, it really is a wonderful journey. If you love art or just love dramas in general then you will love Big Eyes (I also couldn't believe Amy Adams is 40?!). For a total teary watch throughout then If I Stay is a must-see and as for The Grand Budapest Hotel, well it was the most unique film I've seen in a long time!

Fat-free Greek Yoghurt & Honey
Over the past month I've discovered the wonders of Greek Yoghurt and I literally can't get enough of the stuff! I'd previously tried to love it but without a drizzle of honey it was just too sharp and bland and I ultimately gave up on it. But due to my health kick I decided to give it another chance and sweeten it with honey... I don't even like honey on it's own but woweee it makes Greek Yoghurt taste amazing. This is such a great source of protein and with the pot above being around 110 calories it's a pretty healthy breakfast/dessert option. I even recently tried my first ever tomato Greek yoghurt pasta sauce with whole-wheat spaghetti and it turned out amazingly well - possible recipe to come maybe?
Lisa Eldridge's Korean Makeup Haul
I'm such a fan of Lisa Eldrige and the below video was a highlight of my week. I love when makeup artists mix it up a bit and show off a haul/products they've picked up for their kit. Also a must watch if you love Korean beauty products!
Stolen by Lucy Christopher
£6.39 - Amazon here
Another resolution for 2015 was to read more and so far so good. I've already enjoyed a few books and I'm currently on with The Miniaturist. However my last read just blew me away! Stolen by Lucy Christopher tells the story of sixteen year old Gemma who is kidnapped and taken to the Australian Outback. Making the setting for this book like nothing I've read before, just so unique. As this is a YA book you can expect lots of emotion and that raw-ness that you often don't get with general fiction. I loved every part of this book and it was definitely a story that stayed with me for some time after - always a sign of a good book. If you want an easy but very different kind of read then I couldn't recommend this enough! Hope you've enjoyed my favourites!
Fee xo.