I love lifestyle books, just that little mix of everything. So when Tanya Burr announced she was writing a book of just that, I was excited! In fact I actually pre-ordered a copy on Amazon, something I've never done with any other book before!
Now I'm aware, being 26, I'm probably not the target audience of Tanya's book but with all lifestyle-y books that you can dip in and out of, I knew there would be sections that would appeal to me. However on the whole the book is definitely targeted at a more teen audience with the topics that are covered and with a simplistic writing style (however it does make for an easy, relaxed read!). But none the less this fits snugly in between my other lifestyle books and I'm all for supporting fellow bloggers - Tanya really has done amazingly well.

What The Book Covers
Firstly the book is split into 12 chapters covering everything from Tanya's childhood and life, to skincare & makeup essentials, baking, fashion, confidence and of course YouTube. Each chapter includes amazing photos of Tanya, which actually was one of the highlights for me.
Also lists feature heavily in the book with lists such as Tanya's top 10 makeup bag must-haves, books, eating healthy tips and favourite places etc. Specific lists such as Tanya's Top 10 favourite books and makeup products I found really interesting and will be checking out but other lists such as tips on healthy eating and confidence I did find to be a bit vague and points I'd read before... but again I'm sure these would appeal more to someone younger. Blank pages are also including so that you can write out your own lists, but again this isn't something that interests me but I'm sure her target audience will enjoy doing.
Favourite Sections
For me the section I enjoyed the most and one I will be going back to is the Baking & Recipes section which includes some wonderful recipes I will be trying out. Firstly Tanya's Chocolate Brownies and Lemon Drizzle Loaf. Also for this section Tanya took all her own photos which I think look amazing!
Another section I was pleased to see in the book was on Anxiety & Stress, something that was wrote about well with some good tips I hadn't actually read about before and will be giving a go. I really believe this is such an important topic to cover, along with her section on confidence, especially as it's effects Tanya personally and she is a role model to lots of her viewers.
I also liked the Skincare & Makeup section, specifically Tanya's lists as it's something to refer back to before going shopping! It's also nice to see a book recommending specific brands/products.

In a way this very much reminds me of Cashmere & Cupcakes by blogger, Emily Schuman but for a younger audience and that bit more relatable. Tanya's personality really does shine through!
As for the price it's currently £6.49 on Amazon here, which for a new hardback book is incredible value for money (I actually pre-ordered it at £10.00 so it's quite a bargain now!).
I really feel this would be an amazing book for anyone 14-19 and a fan of Tanya's but anyone older I think only 50% of the book will be of interest. But that's not to say you shouldn't buy it! I'm really glad I picked up my copy and will be reading some of Tanya's suggested reads and trying out most of the baking recipes from the book!
Fee xo.