I will admit I didn't have a blog post planned for today (post ideas seem to have been going on scheduled posts lately for whilst I'm on holiday in a few weeks). But then as I was washing my face in the shower, yes, you guessed it - with soap, a blog post idea came to me. It came in the form of a question really as I wondered how many other bloggers/skin care junkies actually use facial soap as part of their routine. So let me know... Do you use a facial soap?
I came to the conclusion not many... because, well they just seem a bit out dated now and when you think of soap you think of Dove and that's certainly for hand washing only. But along side my cream cleansers and micellar waters I've loved some pretty amazing soaps. I actually got hooked on a pricey £35 soap once! I still miss is to this day but unless someone buys it me for my birthday (14th May fyi) I just can't justify repurchasing it, though my skin loved it.
Dead Sea Spa Magik Black Mud Soap
£3.90 - Feel Unique here
I'm now onto using Dead Sea Spa Magik Black Mud Soap which is a much more affordable option. The weirdly black slab of soap, which thankfully foams white, lives in my shower meaning I use it roughly 3 times a week. The reason why I love it and prefer it over a facial wash is that is contains only one ingredient Dead Sea Mud, which to be honest I don't know what it does, but it does make it incredibly gentle to the skin and SLS-free. Whether my skin is oily, dry or hormonal I know this will just gently cleanse my skin and that's it. You can also find the soap in Holland & Barrett.
Sebamed Cleansing Bar
£3.54 - Amazon here
Previous to using the above soap when I found my skin was prone to more blemishes and was generally just oily I used Sebamed Soap-free Cleansing Bar. I'm not sure how I discovered it but I remember going cold turkey with all my other skincare product and solely using this for a month! It was of course boring just using 'soap' and water but itcontrolled my over oily skin and balanced everything out! This was the soap that got me into look at other sulfate-free face and body products and since then I've not looked back. Unlike the Black Mud Soap this isn't one for all skintypes but for anyone with combination to oily skin. You can find the cleansing bar in most chemists for around £2.50 - bargain!
Cor Silver Soap
£15 for 1og - Blissworld here
£35 for 30g -Amazon here
Lastly I want to talk about Cor Soap or "The Silver Soap" as it's known. This was a soap I used for over a year and it really did wonders for my skin. But alas it comes with a hefty price tag that my savvy nature cannot justify. Cor soap is actually unlike any other soap as not only does it contain silver but a ton of active ingredients that almost seem to adapt to whatever skin needs you have. For me this was blemishes and pigmentation and whilst using the soap I noticed such a huge difference in my skin with it looking brighter from reducing spot scarring and making my skin blemish-free! It also made my skin feel so much softer and enough to actually ditch using a facial exfoliator. The silver soap also claims to calm inflammation, tighten pores, balance out an oily T-zone and replenish collagen! If you are into your skincare and have acne/blemished skin I really couldn't recommend this soap more highly.
Although I still love to use a cream cleanser to fully remove my makeup I couldn't ever imagine my routine not involving a facial soap.
I'd love to know if you've ever used a facial soap?
Fee xo.