As a few of you will know yesterday myself and Sabrina from A Little Obsessed (@SabrinaLovesYou) hosted a Boots Twitter Chat/Party with Makeup Artist Louise Constad (@Louiseconstad) on hand to answer any questions.
The hour chat really flew by and I felt everyone had a great time. This is what I love the most about Twitter chats, that sense of community and the fact they are always so positive! Above as you can see is a summary of the chat if you missed it.
You can also #GiveItAGo and try out the above looks and beauty cheats by heading on over to!
You can also #GiveItAGo and try out the above looks and beauty cheats by heading on over to!
If you did join in I hoped you enjoyed it as much as myself and Sabrina did! And thanks for taking part!
Until the next one!
Fee xo.
Silvia · 512 weeks ago
Iga Berry · 512 weeks ago
Have a great day, Iga x
@burningblonde · 512 weeks ago