Have you ever come across a product so good that it's changed the way you apply your makeup? I've had a beauty products like that recently (lucky me!) and as I've been so impressed with them I thought I'd share with you today!
Fixing my wonky Cupid's bow with bareMineral Lip Liner
When it came to trying lip liner I was embarrassingly late to the party... especially as a beauty blogger! I think I pretty much told myself that I didn't need it and lipsticks looked fine without it. And they did, however I've always had a niggle with my Cupid's bow as it lacks pigmentation in areas making it appear wonky. Lipstick conceals this to a point but if I wanted a defined bold lip it just wasn't happened. I then discovered bareMineral's Marvelous Moxie lipliner in Empowered (£11.70 - Feel Unique here) and though I now have many more lip liners it's stayed a firm favourite. The texture is waxy yet creamy making it last on the lips for hours, it's the perfect deep pink shade and most importantly it defines my cupid's bow and totally corrects my wonky lip line. I seriously couldn't be without this product now!
When it came to trying lip liner I was embarrassingly late to the party... especially as a beauty blogger! I think I pretty much told myself that I didn't need it and lipsticks looked fine without it. And they did, however I've always had a niggle with my Cupid's bow as it lacks pigmentation in areas making it appear wonky. Lipstick conceals this to a point but if I wanted a defined bold lip it just wasn't happened. I then discovered bareMineral's Marvelous Moxie lipliner in Empowered (£11.70 - Feel Unique here) and though I now have many more lip liners it's stayed a firm favourite. The texture is waxy yet creamy making it last on the lips for hours, it's the perfect deep pink shade and most importantly it defines my cupid's bow and totally corrects my wonky lip line. I seriously couldn't be without this product now!
Using a shorter nib for precise eyeliner application with Lord & Berry Eyeliner
For the longest time I was using flexible brush liquid eye liner and though I had perfected creating a smooth flick I often messed up, something much worse than sneezing after applying mascara! But then I gave a much shorter firm nib a go in the shape of Collection Fast Stroke eyeliner and realised with a shorter nib you definitely have more control and mistakes are just less likely. I then moved onto the amazing Lord & Berry Ink Glam Liquid Eye Liner (£10.00 - ASOS here) and again with the shorter, firmer nib I found it so much easier to handle especially for a precise glossy finish. I've now ditched using so many of my old favourite from Bourjois and L'Oreal because a short eyeliner nib is just were its at!
For the longest time I was using flexible brush liquid eye liner and though I had perfected creating a smooth flick I often messed up, something much worse than sneezing after applying mascara! But then I gave a much shorter firm nib a go in the shape of Collection Fast Stroke eyeliner and realised with a shorter nib you definitely have more control and mistakes are just less likely. I then moved onto the amazing Lord & Berry Ink Glam Liquid Eye Liner (£10.00 - ASOS here) and again with the shorter, firmer nib I found it so much easier to handle especially for a precise glossy finish. I've now ditched using so many of my old favourite from Bourjois and L'Oreal because a short eyeliner nib is just were its at!

Setting my under-eye concealer with the smallest amount of Gosh Prime n' Set Setting Powder
If you have read Makeup Savvy for any time then you have probably seen me rave about the Gosh Prime n' Set Setting Powder (£9.99 - Superdrug here); for me it's a multi-purpose wonder powder! And yet again I've found another amazing use for it! With my oily/combination skin I often find that my under-eye concealer slips throughout the day and so after watching a few tutorials on how to properly set under-eye concealer without it looks cake-y or heavy I decided to use the Gosh powder to try it out, along with a Real Techniques concealer brush. This worked amazingly well and not only was the powder untraceable to the eye but it kept my concealer in place all day. This is a trick I now use daily and never skip!
Hiding my ridged nails with Butter London Foundation Base Coat
With over painting my nails for years I've found in the last few years certain nails have become quite ridged to the point that the ridges show through nail polish. To combat this there are a multitude of ridge filler base coats out there which I've pretty much been buying my way through and finally I've found the one with Butter London Nail Foundation Flawless Base Coat (£15.00 - Amazon here + free Butter nail file). With a single coat this covers the nails perfectly leaving a smooth base that's free from ridges. I now use this every time I paint my nails to give a smooth perfect finish and can also say it's also been keeping my nails free from staining at well! This really is the best base coat out there if you have ridged or peeling nails.
What products have changed the way you apply makeup?
Fee xo.
With over painting my nails for years I've found in the last few years certain nails have become quite ridged to the point that the ridges show through nail polish. To combat this there are a multitude of ridge filler base coats out there which I've pretty much been buying my way through and finally I've found the one with Butter London Nail Foundation Flawless Base Coat (£15.00 - Amazon here + free Butter nail file). With a single coat this covers the nails perfectly leaving a smooth base that's free from ridges. I now use this every time I paint my nails to give a smooth perfect finish and can also say it's also been keeping my nails free from staining at well! This really is the best base coat out there if you have ridged or peeling nails.
What products have changed the way you apply makeup?
Fee xo.