Last week I read such a fab post by Tea Party Beauty about beauty items all 90s girls would remember (you can find the post here!). It made me reminise so much about my own teenage years with makeup that I thought I'd take a trip down memory today and share with you the makeup of my youth!
Where to start with the makeup of my youth? So it was the early 2000s (I like this, it's making me seem young!) and Boots Natural Collection and Barry M Dazzle Dusts were pretty much the staple of every teenage girls makeup bag. Natural Collection was a good choice as you couldn't go too wrong with it being all fairly neutral shades, albeit badly applied. But Dazzle Dusts... well I remember practically throwing them at my eyes then trying to remove the glitter from down my face. I also remember applying everything with them crappy foam applicator that still come with everything today. The reason why they still come with eye shadows palettes? Because teenagers still use them! Until they discover that makeup brushes exist and join the rest of us wondering why/how they are still around. I also remember being incredibly messy with my makeup, so much so you could see where I sat and applied my makeup on the carpet!! Makeup hygiene just wasn't a thing in my teens, give me my sisters old mascara any day of the week. Don't worry that made me cringe too!
Where to start with the makeup of my youth? So it was the early 2000s (I like this, it's making me seem young!) and Boots Natural Collection and Barry M Dazzle Dusts were pretty much the staple of every teenage girls makeup bag. Natural Collection was a good choice as you couldn't go too wrong with it being all fairly neutral shades, albeit badly applied. But Dazzle Dusts... well I remember practically throwing them at my eyes then trying to remove the glitter from down my face. I also remember applying everything with them crappy foam applicator that still come with everything today. The reason why they still come with eye shadows palettes? Because teenagers still use them! Until they discover that makeup brushes exist and join the rest of us wondering why/how they are still around. I also remember being incredibly messy with my makeup, so much so you could see where I sat and applied my makeup on the carpet!! Makeup hygiene just wasn't a thing in my teens, give me my sisters old mascara any day of the week. Don't worry that made me cringe too!
Body stuff & too much perfume
Two words: Body Glitter. Oh yes, the 2000's where all about roll-on body glitter that you would trace around most of your upper body, because... well glitter was good, right? And scented, always scented! After being done with the body glitter, so around 10 minutes, it would be time for the excessive amount of perfume. My odour of choice ranged between Impulse body sprays, Avon's' Far Away perfume (the one with the pink & black bobble top) and a hand-me-down a Monsoon perfume from my sister, which now sells for £50+ on eBay - madness!! As for moisturisers I really can't remember using anything except for dusting myself with a apparently 'moisturising' shimmery body dust with a gigantic pink powder poof - yes, even more glitter.
Two words: Body Glitter. Oh yes, the 2000's where all about roll-on body glitter that you would trace around most of your upper body, because... well glitter was good, right? And scented, always scented! After being done with the body glitter, so around 10 minutes, it would be time for the excessive amount of perfume. My odour of choice ranged between Impulse body sprays, Avon's' Far Away perfume (the one with the pink & black bobble top) and a hand-me-down a Monsoon perfume from my sister, which now sells for £50+ on eBay - madness!! As for moisturisers I really can't remember using anything except for dusting myself with a apparently 'moisturising' shimmery body dust with a gigantic pink powder poof - yes, even more glitter.
Oh dear oh dear the things I did to my hair in my teens. Thankfully my mum was strict and didn't allow me to dye it until my later teens but everything else I could do I tried. This mainly consisted of gunking up my hair with the stickiest claggiest hair mascara that my £4.00 a week pocket money could buy me. Then there was the mechanical braider machines (what are they even called? I don't know) that I would cast the instructions aside of and go for gold, royally tangling up my hair and then having to cut myself free from. Then around the age of 14 I decided it would be a good idea to cut off the baby hairs around my hair line with nail scissors, as you can imagine this didn't turn out well and resulted in my friends calling me 'Bic fringe' (because they were convinced I'd shaved the hairs off) for the rest of the year as the baby hair grew back in tufts of what call only be described as spiky brush like hair; it was a bad year.
So there you have it - the makeup of my youth. I truly am jealous of the teens of today with the help of YouTube videos!
I'd love to know what makeup you used in your teenage years and any embarrassing stories!
Fee xo.
So there you have it - the makeup of my youth. I truly am jealous of the teens of today with the help of YouTube videos!
I'd love to know what makeup you used in your teenage years and any embarrassing stories!
Fee xo.
Leanne · 488 weeks ago
Makeupsavvy 101p · 488 weeks ago
Fee x
theblogsocialza 64p · 488 weeks ago
Candice | Beauty Candy Loves
Makeupsavvy 101p · 488 weeks ago
Liane · 488 weeks ago
Makeupsavvy 101p · 488 weeks ago
Fee x
@AshleyEBeauty · 488 weeks ago
Ashley http://www.ashleyelizabethbeauty.com
Makeupsavvy 101p · 488 weeks ago
Fee x
@GirlLovesGloss · 488 weeks ago
Makeupsavvy 101p · 488 weeks ago
Fee x
Beka Louise · 488 weeks ago
Beka. xo
Makeupsavvy 101p · 488 weeks ago
Fee x
@PixieLizziee · 488 weeks ago
Makeupsavvy 101p · 488 weeks ago
Fee x
May Simpson · 488 weeks ago
I also cut off some of my hair, my 'sideburns' which in hindsight weren't even side burns at all just bits of hair that fell in front of my ears - they are still so short I can't tie them back almost 10 years later. Oops :')
May x
Makeupsavvy 101p · 488 weeks ago
Fee x
laurenapowers 35p · 488 weeks ago
Lauren x | www.laurenapowers.blogspot.com
Hali · 487 weeks ago
Sharron · 487 weeks ago