Today instead of having a themed eBay Bargains post for you I thought I'd share what's currently on my own eBay Watch List... well a fraction of it! These are all items I'm sure I will treat myself to in the next month and I thought you may also find something here!
W7 Face Shaping Contour Stixs (£4.44 here) - Every now and again I have a look at what's new from W7 as they always seem to be adding new products and this new set instantly struck me as very similar to the Smashbox Step-By-Step Contour Stick Trio but without the £35 price tag! Exactly like the Smashbox set there's 3 jumbo contour sticks, a pencil sharpener and a step-by-step guide if you need it. As I'm getting more into contouring and find cream contour the easier to work with this is something I really want to try out soon!
Natural Quartz Pendant Necklace (£1.99 here) - Whilst browsing budget jewellery the other day I came across this listing for some lovely natural quartz necklaces in so many beautiful shades. I've always been a fan of semi-precious stones and actually have a little collection of them and I find necklaces like these just stunning. I love all the shades but I'm sure I will be going for the rose or turquoise quartz.
Village Candle Warm Buttered Bread Votive (£2.78 here) - At the moment I'm totally obsessed with burning candles and Village Candle are easily my favourite candle brand. But instead of shelling out £9-13 on large jar candles I opt for smaller votive candles so that I'm able to try out different scents. I'm currently burning Maple Butter and Lemon Pound Cake, both of which are incredible, but for my next votive I want something more savoury and Warm Buttered Bread just sound amazing. I've already snapped this up so I'm eager to try it out now!
Avon Sleep Serenity Pillow Mist (£3.99 here) - For the past few months I've been using The Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray and I've been totally loving it; it really helps me relax before going to sleep. But as I'm nearly out of it I want to give a budget option a go before re-purchasing it because it is £16+ after all. Fingers crossed Avon's version is just as good. Once I've tried this out I will be sure to do a comparison post on both pillow sprays.
Designer Inspired Plastic Flats (£4.95 here) - Lastly I had to include these shoes that have been on my watch list for the longest time. These are very similar to the Vivienne Westwood Melissa flats but at the fraction of the cost! There are a few styles to the listing, one of which I purchased last year and I'm so pleased with, so at under £5 I really have to snap up the other styles.
Hope you enjoyed this more random eBay Bargains post!
Fee xo.