Silicone Makeup Brush Cleaning Pad
(£1.17 here)
Anything that makes cleaning makeup brushes easier is a hit with me and with the larger silicone mats for cleaning makeup brushes becoming more popular I thought this would be a good cheaper option, especially as you can only clean one brush at once anyway! This simply sticks to your sink near the plug hole with a suction pad and with either baby shampoo or a makeup brush cleanser you can foam up the pad with your dirty brushes and then easily rinse them.
LA Girl Pro Conceal HD
(£2.99 here)
I'm forever trying out new concealers and these popular LA Girl Pro concealers caught my eye due to the price and the huge shade selection! I've read quite a few good reviews on these (though you MUST shake them before use!) and think there's a shade to suit everyone, plus 3 corrector shades that seem interesting. Think I will be picking up the lightest shade to try out as a new brightening under eye concealer.
Pro Oval Makeup Brushes
(10 sizes from £3.74 here)
Oval makeup brushes are hugely popular right now but also hugely expensive so when I found a dupe for the most popular oval brush for only £2.79 here I was pretty delighted with it. And there are now dupes for every size you can imagine! I can't vouch for the quality of these and the large brushes are more pricey but when you consider the Artis Oval brushes cost £50+ each they are pretty great!
W7 Lip Legend Matte Top Coat
(£2.95 here)
I've been obsessed with matt lips for months now and a product like this seems a bit of a dream if you ask me! Of course a transparent loose powder can do the same job but it's messy to say the least. Already snapped this up and will feature it in my next eBay haul to give you some first impressions on it, but as it's from W7 I'm sure it will be good.
Slogan Makeup Bags
(£3.50 here)
Another makeup find this week was this range of canvas slogan makeup bags that are extremely cheap. I love little makeup bags like this to keep in my handbag or to take on holiday with me. Also the listing has a few catchy slogans!
Hope you find some makeup bargains here!
Fee xo.