Over the past year the beauty and skincare range that is Lacura at Aldi has gone from strength to strength, expanding both their beauty & skincare ranges and coming out with many an exciting Special Buy that often sells out.
Known for their dupes Aldi launched Lacura Purifying Pink Clay Mask back in September 2018 (£5.99) to rival Sand&Sky Purifying Pink Clay Mask (£39.00), going on to bring out a matching pink clay scrub and pink clay hot cloth cleanser. This is a range you can still pick up in store (it can be hit & miss on stock levels) or buy online (links below) and as I've tried everything I thought it would be good to give an overview! Below you will find out my own thoughts, plus what is worth picking up from the range!
This post contains affiliate links. All products features have been purchased by myself (I love a good dupe!).

As I mentioned, the Lacura Pink Clay Mask was the product that prompted the pink clay themed range for Aldi and was a product I instantly rushed out and bought. Why? Because I love a good clay-base mask for my oily t-zone and pores and I wanted to compare it to the Sand&Sky Pink Clay Mask which I own and loved.
Designed to reduce the appearance of blemishes and keep the skin looking clearer and brighter this is a mask for anyone this oily or combination skin that struggles with excess oil and blackheads. While the runny formula was a bit of a surprise the mask dries down on the skin within 10-15 minutes giving a typical tight clay mask feel. Washing off (with a bit of effort, I should add) to a brighter complexion and with clearer looking pores especially in congested areas such as the chin and nose. The mask also soaks up excess oil from the pores and the surface layer of the skin withing drying it out. However, I feel this face mask definitely doesn't change the appearance of blemishes but without regular use may keep non-acne prone skin, blemish-free.
Comparing the two face masks together I have to say they are very similar, from the packaging, scent and results. However one of the biggest differences is in the formula with the Lacura Pink Clay Mask being almost runny and the Sand&Sky Pink Clay Mask a thicker clay feeling formula. At first, I felt this was a downfall for Lacura but that said the thinner formula makes application smooth and easy (oh, and it comes with a free brush applicator!) and ultimately doesn't affect the results. If anything I feel Aldi decided to opt for a more liquid formula as I discovered the Sand&Skin Pink Clay mask does actually dry up within 6 months making it pretty unusable! So I feel Aldi deserve a pat on the back for this noted and improved upon difference.
Lacura's Pink Clay Mask is without a doubt worth the money, feeling like quite an expensive face mask and delivering visible results. I'm a fan!

Next up, a totally inexpensive 2-in-1 facial scrub and mask that's described by Lacura as an exfoliator to define and mattify your skin while also being great for gently removing dead skin cells and leaving skin feeling refreshed.
This scrub is also a dupe for Sand&Sky, this time the Flash Perfection Exfoliating Treatment ( £34.90) that can also be left to sit on the skin as a face mask..
On first using the scrub I instantly noted how abrasive the jojoba and castor bead were and while I don't use physical exfoliators anymore I did love scrubbing the creamy yet harsh formula over my face and then feeling the instantly smooth results it gave to my skin on washing it away with warm water. It then became my twice-weekly face scrub I used in the shower for a week or two due to how it scrubbed away all my dead skin cells in seconds.
But then I had a wake-up moment after using it casually on my arms in the shower and realising it was actually as harsh as a standard body scrub - why was I treating my face so harshly?! This is when I realised I've got sucked back into using a harsh facial scrub that could actually damage my skin (abrasive scrubs can cause micro-tears to the skin along with broken blood vessels), being a few steps away from being as harsh as a walnut scrub.
Since then I've been using the Lacura Pink Clay Scrub on my body only and really for £2.99 it's definitely a product I would pick up again just for using as a body scrub because it works well and smells pretty good.
I can see why this facial scrub would get good customer reviews but I also know a lot people are still thinking a harsh physical scrub is the only option, when it's simply not the case with glycolic acid toners now becoming more mainstream (Lacura offer a great range of budget exfoliating toners, in fact!). But for me and I would like to think any other skincare addict this is a scrub that shouldn't be used on the face.

Lacura first duped Liz Earle's Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser a few months ago with a lesser fragranced offering and while I didn't manage to try it I was interested with this newer Pink Clay version because I love this whole trend and the smell of the Lacura pink clay range.
As you may expect this is a simple enough cream cleanser which comes with a muslin cloth (I prefer a nice thick flannel, to be honest) and is designed to remove all makeup and leave you with glowing skin and while for my oily skin type it was a little too rich it does live up to that!
Only a little is required of the cream cleanser however if you are wanting to remove eye makeup as well you may want to add a splash of water to the skin as after massaging over the face the slip feeling isn't there but a little water sorts that out allowing the cleanser to fully remove mascara and eyeliner with ease.
As for working with all skin types I do feel this is on the richer/creamier cleanser side of things and even after fully removing the cleanser with a flannel there did feel like some residue was left behind (not makeup but the actual cleanser) so I will personally be following up with a liquid cleanser as a part of my double cleanse routine every time I use this specific cleanser... which is so big deal and a good practice anyway. I also wonder if with the fragrance it would be suitable for sensitive skin types. But on the whole, this is good entry level hot cloth cleanser that is simply so so affordable and will suit most skin types.
Side note: Lacura have just launched their Vitamin C Hot Cloth Cleanser which I'm currently trying out and with much fewer ingredients, a lovely citrus scent and a slightly lighter feeling texture I'm much more excited about it - review to follow soon!

As for Lacura's Pink Clay Mask, it's the star of the range, it's an improved dupe of the Sand&Sky Pink Clay Mask and works exceptionally well for it's low price point - one to definitely pick up if you have any kind of oily skin issues.
Last but not least in the Pink Clay range is the affordable Hot Cloth Cleanser which for me is a nice product but not standout. It works well at removing makeup but I don't feel there are any ingredient benefits to it. However, I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts on the newer Vitamin C Hot Cloth Cleanser as I'm really enjoying using it.

Have you picked up anything from Lacura'a Pink Clay range? I'd love to know!
Also keep an eye out for another Adli Lacura blog post coming soon as I've been trying out a lot of the latest beauty and skincare dupes as there are some great ones out right now!
Fee xo.